Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get involved and share my ideas?
We encourage all interested individuals to first review both the 2016 Master Plan and the preliminary site designs described here. Afterwards, take our survey! Gathering feedback is an important step to ensuring the future Ace Sand site meets the needs of the broader community. Finally, track the progress of our project via the News tab above, and come to our public events!
When will this project be complete?
Designs for the Children's Stormwater Garden and Fitness Loop Trail will be completed by spring of 2021. Construction may begin as soon as the summer of 2021, depending on funding availability.
Design and construction of the Recreational Building and adjacent lawns will progress separately, and will be constructed based on funding availability at a later date.
What comes next after Ace Sand?
The City of Roswell plans to continue implementing the 2016 Roswell River Parks Master Plan. Ace Sand is an important first step. Funding must be secured prior to beginning redesign at other Roswell waterfront parks.